How to use a blending board

The Good Yarn how to use a blending board with rolags for spinning Blog

Can you card wool on a blending board?

The Good Yarn Ashford How to use a Blending Board - Carding

Many people ask if their blending board can also be used as a carder for carding wool? Although there is a small level of overlap when it comes to using your blending board as a hand or drum carder, in general it is not a substitute for a good set of hand carders or a drum carder.

For example, a Blending Board cannot open up fibres that have not been previously prepared in some way. They are best used with fibres that have already been prepared for spinning or needle felting. You would also find removing vegetable matter difficult with a blending board if the fibre has not been already cleaned.

Having said that, you can however create rolags for spinning from hand and drum carders. In fact Ashford have created a wonderful video to show you some techniques to do exactly this. You can watch it here

Before using your blending board, your fibres need to be processed or teased open to some degree and once your fibre is placed on the board there tends to be little to no movement.

What can I use a blending board for?

The best use is to mix and layer various coloured fibres. Creating fun stripes of colours, adding some gold or silver Angelina. Then, rolling them of your board into a rolag, ready for spinning. Or if you love to create needle felting projects, your blending board works well to make beautiful layers of coloured wool. Creating stunning 3D effects. Your spun wool or fibres may then create some wonderful yarn with colourful transitions or textures.

Blending boards are also very useful for using up left over fibres you may have from previous projects you have worked on.

The Good Yarn Ashford Spinning Wheels use a Blending Board Brush create a rolag or batt

The Ashford blending board differs from other carding tools. It lets you  ‘paint’ with your fibre over a large, flat area of carding cloth to create controlled layers. Its also portable, which means you can work with it on your lap, on a small table or even take it on holiday or to your craft classes.

Blog post proudly supplied by Ashford Wheels & Looms.

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