Category Archives: Felting

Needle Felting For Beginners

Read everything you need to know to get started in needle felting. Including what to.....[KEEP READING]..

Needle Felting Tips

Learn how to needle felt (for beginners and experienced felters) Needle felting is a fun.....[KEEP READING]..

How to use a blending board

Can you card wool on a blending board? Many people ask if their blending board.....[KEEP READING]..

Hand Carders & Drum Carders Explained

Find out what the difference between a flick carder, a hand carder and a drum.....[KEEP READING]..

Needle Felting Kit Tutorial

Discover this Needle Felting Kit tutorial kit for beginners. These instructions are designed to guide.....[KEEP READING]..

Try Needle Felting Projects for the Table

Needle Felting projects are limitless, table decorations included. They’re not just for making toys or.....[KEEP READING]..

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